
Cornflakes French Toast Recipe

Cornflakes French Toast Recipe

Cornflakes French Toast Recipe


Bored of the regular bread toast, or french toast for breakfast? Try this unique dish of Cornflakes French Toast to get an all-new and different breakfast experience. Cornflakes French Toast is a crunchy French dish that is prepared with four main ingredients cornflakes, butter, brown bread, cinnamon, egg, nutmeg, maple syrup, milk, and vanilla extract. This ideal breakfast recipe can even be packed for lunch and enjoyed as an on-the-go snack. To make this easy toast, you simply need to dip the bread slices in a batter made of milk, egg, sugar, and vanilla extract mixed with spices and roll the coated bread slices in crushed cornflakes. Just fry this coated bread and your crunchy toast will be ready in less than 10 minutes! Topped with warm maple syrup, this snack dish is perfect for the whole family and will be loved by people of all ages be they, kids or adults. You can also prepare these quick toasts for a game night or a get-together. You can pair up this delicious dish with blueberries, cold coffee, fruit juice, or any other beverage to truly relish its flavors. Just follow this simple step-by-step recipe to prepare Cornflakes French Toast and enjoy it with your loved ones.

Ingredients of Cornflakes French Toast

How to make Cornflakes French Toast

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