Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce Recipe

Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce Recipe

Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce Recipe


Craving for a delicious Italian meal for your special Sunday brunch? Then try this delicious Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce. Tender, beautiful, homemade pasta , stuffed with a creamy mixture of ricotta, spinach, and nutmeg. Served with a simple basil tomato sauce and topped with grated Parmigiano, these ravioli will revive Italian vibes with just one bite. Making this dish at home from scratch ensures that the ingredients are fresh and adulterant free. So, try this classic: Ravioli Ricotta e Spinaci, Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Ingredients of Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce

For Filling

For Dough

For Garnishing

For The Main Dish

How to make Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli in Tomato Sauce

  1. Do not let the pasta sheet dry out. It is important to make the ravioli one sheet at a time, as soon as they are rolled out.
  2. Using a fluted wheel (or a ravioli cutter), cut in between the filling and along the top and bottom to create the ravioli. Reuse the scraps to make more pasta sheets.
  3. Making ravioli that are more or less the same size is advisable because they will cook at the same time, but do not worry if they are not all exactly the same.
  • Step 1 Homemade Pasta Dough

    Making homemade pasta dough is pretty easy and it’s the same for many different pasta shapes. The rule is 1 egg to 100 grams of flour, and that makes enough pasta for 2 people. In this recipe we have used 2 large eggs and 200 grams of flour type 00. While kneading we can add a few drops of water if the dough seems too dry.

  • Step 2 Mix the egg and flour gradually

    On the wooden board, spread the flour, make a hole in the center and add the eggs. Beat the eggs with a fork and start incorporating a little flour. Keep beating the eggs incorporating more of the inner edge of the flour ‘wall’ until the flour starts absorbing the eggs.Once the eggs are blended in the flour, and you have somewhat of a raggedy dough, start working it. Work the dough with your fingertips first to release some moisture. Add a few drops of water if necessary.

  • Step 3 Knead the dough

    Knead vigorously for a few minutes using your whole hand, folding and turning. As soon as the dough is smooth, shape it into a ball, cover it with a cloth or a bowl, or wrap it in plastic, and let it rest for 30 minutes. The gluten will relax and you will have a more elastic dough. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling.

  • Step 4 Make the stuffing

    In a bowl add the ricotta, Parmigiano, and the chopped boiled spinach. TIP: Squeeze the spinach very well before chopping it and adding it to the ricotta. Adjust with salt and grated nutmeg. Mix everything until creamy smooth, taste for seasoning, and set aside.

  • Step 5 Make the pasta

    After the resting time, divide the dough into four parts. Take a piece of dough, and leave the others covered so they do not dry out. Lightly flatten the piece of dough with your hands, pressing it on the floured work surface. Then, turning the handle of the pasta machine, start rolling it, going from the lowest number on the wheel (1) that is the widest roller thickness of the pasta machine, gradually going up one number, until you have a rather thin pasta sheet (5). Pass the sheet a couple of times through the rollers at each number. Since ravioli are made with two overlapping pasta sheets, it is better to have a thin dough.

  • Step 6 Cut the pasta sheet

    When the pasta sheet is at the desired thickness, cut it in half using a knife. On one half add a heaping teaspoon of filling, leaving a space of about 2 fingers in between. Cover with the other half sheet and with your fingers press the dough around the filling to remove as much air as possible. As soon as you have the finished ravioli, it is important to lay them on a large baking sheet with parchment or wax paper, well-floured, so they won’t stick at the bottom. A wood surface dusted with flour to lay your ravioli works great. Let the ravioli dry a little and, if you haven’t made your sauce yet, it’s time to make a simple basil tomato sauce.

  • Step 7 Tomato sauce

    Take a pan and add oil, once the oil is hot enough add minced garlic clove, onion, tomato puree, carrot cook the sauces, add salt and pepper to taste. Lastly add basil leaves and cheese.

  • Step 8 Making the meal

    In a large pot of salted boiling water, place ravioli in delicately. Wait till the ravioli come to the surface, then cook for about 2 minutes longer, about 6-7 minutes total. Take out of water using a slotted spoon and place in a big bowl with some tomato sauce at the bottom. Add more sauce on top, stir gently, then add abundant grated Parmigiano. Place 5-6 ravioli onto a plate and dress with some more sauce and Parmigiano. Ready to serve!

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