
Chocolate Vanilla Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Vanilla Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Vanilla Pudding Recipe


Chocolate Vanilla Pudding is a delicacy made by layering chocolate ganache and vanilla pudding together. It tastes extremely good and can serve as an excellent option for your candlelight dinner. If you are a chocolate lover then you need to try this recipe. This sinful pudding recipe will impress all your guests for sure. With its creamy texture and prominent chocolate-vanilla flavors, this pudding recipe will be loved by adults and kids alike. We have added a chocolate layer first and then topped it with vanilla, however, you can switch the layers and also add vanilla pudding at the bottom. Experiment with the toppings of your choice to make pudding even tastier. It can be chocolate shavings, silver pearls, melted chocolate, nuts, candied fruits, chocolate chips, etc. Enjoy this dessert with your family and friends. Be it a birthday party, a kitty party, or anniversary dinner, this Chocolate Vanilla Pudding can be included in any party menu. They are surely going to love this delectable Chocolate Vanilla Pudding. Do try this recipe, rate it and let us know how it turned out to be. (image credits- istock)

Ingredients of Chocolate Vanilla Pudding

How to make Chocolate Vanilla Pudding

  • Step 1 Pour the chocolate ganache into a bowl

    In a pudding bowl/ glass, pour 1/4 cup chocolate ganache into it. Now place the leftover 5 bowls on a slab and pour 1/4 cup chocolate ganache in each. Keep all the bowls in the freezer. Meanwhile, make the vanilla pudding.

  • Step 2 Prepare the vanilla pudding

    Now, in a saucepan, pour milk followed by 3 tbsp of sugar. Let it come to a boil and then switch off the gas flame. Keep it aside.

  • Step 3 Blend the ingredients

    In a blender, add egg yolks and 3 tbsp of sugar. Blend it well and then add 1/4 cup of the warm milk prepared. Blend it for 1 minute and then add salt and cornflour. Blend it and finally add the remaining milk. Blend it again till you get a smooth consistency.

  • Step 4 Whisk the mixture

    Pour the prepared mixture into a saucepan. Stir the mixture continuously for 2-3 minutes on medium flame. Once the mixture has thickened well, switch off the gas flame. Now, add vanilla extract and melted butter to it. Whisk it well and ensure no lumps are formed. It should be smooth and have a thick consistency.

  • Step 5 Pour the vanilla pudding on the chocolate ganache

    Now, take out the pudding bowls from the freezer and fill all of them with the vanilla pudding. Freeze it for at least 1 hour now.

  • Step 6 Your Chocolate Vanilla Pudding is ready

    Your Chocolate Vanilla Pudding is now ready. You can garnish it with some sprinkles or chocolate shavings.

  1. You can switch the layer and add vanilla pudding on the bottom as well.
  2. Top it with beautiful toppings of your choice.
  3. Avoid adding salt if using salted butter.
  4. Make sure the vanilla pudding has a thick consistency.

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