Cucumber Salad in Plum Sauce with Tofu Balls Recipe

Cucumber Salad in Plum Sauce with Tofu Balls Recipe

Cucumber Salad in Plum Sauce with Tofu Balls Recipe


Want to try something new? Then we have got you a perfect dish to relish during the hot and humid season. Loaded with nutrients, this chilled Cucumber salad with tofu is a sweet, salty treat made with creamy tofu balls and roasted peanuts. If you are yearning for something fresh, delicious yet easy-to-make, then this is the thing to go for! Try this dish today and share your feedback with us in the below given comment section.

Ingredients of Cucumber Salad in Plum Sauce with Tofu Balls

How to make Cucumber Salad in Plum Sauce with Tofu Balls

  • Step 1 Wash and peel the cucumber

    To begin with this simple recipe, wash, peel and grate cucumbers. Take the cucumbers and squeeze out the juice. Once done, keep this in the refrigerator.

  • Step 2 Mash the tofu and make balls

    Next, take 150 grams of tofu, using a masher, mash the tofu and mix it with 3 tablespoons of almond milk along with a dash of salt. Then mash the tofu and make small sized balls.

  • Step 3 Garnish and relish

    Next, layer the dish in a glass jar and add grated cold cucumber. Then add homemade plum sauce to the cucumber and mix it nicely. Add the tofu balls and garnish with roasted and salted peanuts.

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