
Fruit Berries Milkshake Recipe

Fruit Berries Milkshake Recipe

Fruit Berries Milkshake Recipe


Fruit Berries Milkshake is filled with the goodness of mixed berries. It’s the ultimate refreshing drink that will give you instant chills. Berries have a lot of nutrition and health-conscious people usually consume mixed berries daily. So, if you’re one of them, then try this delectable milkshake recipe. It’s super easy to make and the result is very satisfying. You can also call over your friends and chill with them while having this milkshake. Fruit Berries Milkshake can also be a great post-workout drink, just add protein powder to it and there you go. You can also top the milkshake with some freshly chopped berries.

(IMAGE: iStock)

Ingredients of Fruit Berries Milkshake

How to make Fruit Berries Milkshake

  • Step 1 Add ice cubes in a blender

    Start by adding 4 1/4 cups ice cubes in a blender. Then add honey and vanilla extract.

  • Step 2 Pour in milk

    Now, add milk followed by frozen mixed berries.

  • Step 3 Blend everything

    Blend everything until it has a smooth consistency.

  • Step 4 Fruit Berries Milkshake is ready

    Your Fruit Berries milkshake is ready to serve. You can add some berries on top if you want. Enjoy this refreshing drink.

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